Author's Corner

Are you looking for reading material that teaches coping skills for your kids? Take a look at Helena Flies North. A children's book which teaches children important lessons in a developmentally appropriate way. 

Story Description:

Forced to leave the only home she knows, Helena, a young migrant hummingbird, sets off on a life-changing journey. The story begins with a goodbye to her beloved Abuela who must stay behind. An adventure ensues as Helena and her parents set on migration. During this trip, Helena must overcome her fears and turn her trauma into resilience. In this compelling story about family unity and perseverance, children learn important lifelong lessons.

book cover

Check out this best-selling book on Amazon at the link below Dr. Charissa Pizarro: books, biography, latest update

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Schedule a school visit and have Dr. Pizarro come to your school to read the story to your students.


Thank you, St. Matthews Nursery School, for these beautiful collages.



Other Works

Dr. Pizarro has published other writing pieces concerning social justice issues and psychological practice with children and adults in other outlets such as Psychology Today and Sage Press.  See a sample list below.

Pizarro, C. (2023). Blackness. The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Sage Press.


Pizarro, C. (2023). Machismo. The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy.  Sage Press.


Pizarro, C. (2023). What can we learn from the mass trauma of dictatorships? The impact of a repressive regime can span generations. Psychology Today. What Can We Learn From the Mass Trauma of Dictatorships? | Psychology Today

Pizarro, C. (2023). Marginalized Youth and Historical Trauma. The Advocate


Pizarro, C. (2023). Racial Discrimination and Children. The Advocate.


Pizarro, C. (2023). Marginalized Youth and Historical Trauma. The Advocate.


Pizarro, C. (2022). How to Celebrate Diversity with Children. The Advocate. How to Celebrate Diversity with Children (


Pizarro, C. (2022). Diversity Issues: Immigration reforms affecting children and families. The Advocate.  Diversity issues: Immigration reforms affecting children and families (


Pizarro, C. (2022). What ‘Encanto’ can teach Clinicians about Intergenerational Trauma. PESI Blog What ‘Encanto’ Can Teach Clinicians About Intergenerational Trauma (

Pizarro, C. (2022). Policy Brief: Addressing the Trauma of Family Separations at the Border. Forward: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. SPSSI | Forward Winter 2022 SISP Pizarro

Pizarro, C. (2021). Children with Unspeakable Trauma: Unaccompanied Minors and Family Separations.  Play Therapy, 16(3), 20-23.


Pizarro, C. (2021). Diagnosing children… Proceed with caution. Play Therapy, 16 (2), 16-17.


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